Family Home Transitions: Good? Bad? Inevitable.

Greetings dear Apollo-Area history lovers! I’ve taken a more-than-yearlong hiatus from the Simon Truby Farmhouse blog while tending to family and personal matters. Although I haven’t been writing, I’ve continued to investigate local history, and there are dozens of Apollo- and Truby-related stories I still intend to write and share on this website. Please stay tuned to this channel.

The blog’s silence has been due to the illness and passing of my beloved mom, Becky Frayer, who had been the owner and caretaker of the Simon Truby farmhouse at 708 Terrace Ave in Apollo for more than 43 years.

Like many other family homesteads, this big old brick house has been a cherished focal point for gatherings of friends and family, and a maker of memories. My mom loved tending the gardens, and she filled her home with beautiful and quirky antiques. Some possessions had been passed down through generations of our family, and some acquired over years of attending local auctions and flea markets. We all benefited from my mom’s generosity and hospitality in her beautiful home.

But as with many other homesteads, there comes a time when human spirits must let go of the physical structure, and leave open the doors to new inhabitants and their dreams. After a year of deliberation, my sister and I find that it is time for the Truby farmhouse to transition to the next chapter. I’m sure many readers can relate to this situation—a challenging necessity to say goodbye to a family home.

This weekend, there will be an estate sale at my mom’s house, 708 Terrace Ave in Apollo on Saturday June 1 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. It is a one-day-only sale. Additional details and photos at . The house will likely be on the market by late June.

We hope the Truby farmhouse will be treasured and lovingly cared for by future owners. And we expect all who live there will build happy memories there, just as our family has.

Best wishes to you dear reader. Please add a comment to this webpage if you’d like to share stories of your own family homestead. I’ll write more as time and energy allow.

-Vicki Contie
Catonsville, MD

As always, be sure to support the Apollo Area Historical Society, the courageous hard-working protectors of our local heritage.

My mom, Rebecca Frayer, tends to the wildflowers at her home at the corner of Terrace Ave & N 8th Street in Apollo, Pennsylvania


  1. Vicki,
    I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your dear mother. Taking care of our parents in their final days is the best gift we can offer. I had wondered why we had not heard any of your wonderful stories. I wish I would have known about the estate sale. I would have loved to be there and perhaps purchase something from my family’s home.

    Kindest regards,

    Great great granddaughter of Julia Truby


  2. Vicki, It’s been fun reading about the Truby Farmhouse history. But I’m so sorry to hear that your beloved mother died! I hope you are doing okay. Sad time! I’m in Oberlin, OH—Mikaela graduated on Monday. She is packing up and we’re driving home with a visit to Pittsburgh today. Hugs , Tina


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  3. Very sorry to hear about your mother. We lived across Terrace Ave at the top of 8th street for about 3 years right after WW II. My dad, Kenneth McCauley, owned the Atlantic Gas Station at 9th and Warren Ave until we moved to the country where my dad bought a farm. We were right next to Kistaco farm. I remember a lot of living on Terrace ave and I was there from age 3 until about age 6. I love your stories about Apollo. We now live in Portland, OR.


  4. So sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. It’s always a difficult time. I regret not making it to the estate sale — how emotional you and your sister must have been. I know that thinking about the sale we had when my mother passed brings back a lot of odd feelings about things that she held dear or had just collected over time. I wish you all well. Sympathies to you and your sister.

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